This is my webpage, there are many like it, but this one is mine. There's not much info here yet, but please have patience.. This page is hosted on, our own club-server. We are now running on an AMD 1400. The club was actually started a week ago, and it's main objective is to offer a linux-shell for those of us who have gotten accustomised to one. We are currently running webmail, imaps and ssh and then we have just recently started to host a couple of virtual servers as well. We now have some 15^w30 members, but if I've got it right we have people banging on the door for shells. :) |
![]() My main hobbies for now are cars, sailing, my ladies at home, computers and linux and... Well. There's a lot more. I will get some pictures up that can describe my hobbies a lot better. As you all know, one picture can tell more than a thousand words. One of my main interests is sailing, we own a 28ft yacht with my friend pone, and due to some climatic issues the boat s/y Charlotta is up on the ground right now. Hopefully we'll get it launched before the 1st of May. I'm not actually working on this page that much, I'm just filling it up with text to test how a double column page would look like. Here's some more text. Hopefully there's more coming... |