"The C Programming Language", 2nd edition, Kernighan and Ritchie
Answers to Exercises - Unsolved Solutions
The following solutions have not yet been addressed at any level. If you'd like to
provide a solution, please do let me know. You know where to find me.
Chapter 1 (0/24 exercises): At least one solution has been provided for each exercise.
Chapter 2 (0/10 exercises): At least one solution has been provided for each exercise.
Chapter 3 (0/6 exercises): At least one solution has been provided for each exercise.
Chapter 4 (2/14 exercises): 9,10
Chapter 5 (7/20 exercises): 12,15,16,17,18,19,20
Chapter 6 (2/6 exercises): 2,6
Chapter 7 (3/9 exercises): 4,5,7
Chapter 8 (4/8 exercises): 2,5,7,8
Total exercises: 97
Solved exercises: 79
Yet to do: 18
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