/* Test driver by Richard Heathfield
* Solution (strrindex function) by Rick Dearman
#include <stdio.h>
/* Write the function strrindex(s,t), which returns the position
** of the rightmost occurrence of t in s, or -1 if there is none.
int strrindex( char s[], char t )
int i;
int count = -1;
for(i=0; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
if(s[i] == t)
count = i;
return count;
typedef struct TEST
char *data;
char testchar;
int expected;
int main(void)
TEST test[] =
{"Hello world", 'o', 7},
{"This string is littered with iiiis", 'i', 32},
{"No 'see' letters in here", 'c', -1}
size_t numtests = sizeof test / sizeof test[0];
size_t i;
char ch = 'o';
int pos;
for(i = 0; i < numtests; i++)
pos = strrindex(test[i].data, test[i].testchar);
printf("Searching %s for last occurrence of %c.\n",
printf("Expected result: %d\n", test[i].expected);
printf("%sorrect (%d).\n", pos == test[i].expected ? "C" : "Inc", pos);
if(pos != -1)
printf("Character found was %c\n", test[i].data[pos]);
return 0;