* Exercise 5-2 from The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, by Kernighan
* and Ritchie.
* "Write getfloat, the floating-point analog of getint. What type does
* getfloat return as its function value?"
* Here's the getint function, from section 5.2:
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int getch(void);
void ungetch(int);
/* getint: get next integer from input into *pn */
int getint(int *pn)
int c, sign;
while (isspace(c = getch())) /* skip white space */
if (!isdigit(c) && c != EOF && c != '+' && c != '-') {
ungetch(c); /* it is not a number */
return 0;
sign = (c == '-') ? -1 : 1;
if (c == '+' || c == '-')
c = getch();
for (*pn = 0; isdigit(c); c = getch())
*pn = 10 * *pn + (c - '0');
*pn *= sign;
if (c != EOF)
return c;
* The getch and ungetch functions, from section 4.3, are also required.
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUFSIZE 100
char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* buffer for ungetch */
int bufp = 0; /* next free position in buf */
int getch(void) /* get a (possibly pushed-back) character */
return (bufp > 0) ? buf[--bufp] : getchar();
void ungetch(int c) /* push character back on input */
if (bufp >= BUFSIZE)
printf("ungetch: too many characters\n");
buf[bufp++] = c;
* The getfloat function.
* Reads the next number from input, and puts it into *fp. Returns EOF for
* end of file, zero if the next input is not a number, and a positive
* value of the input contains a valid number.
* Based heavily on the getint function from K&R2.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
int getfloat(float *fp)
int ch;
int sign;
int fraction;
int digits;
while (isspace(ch = getch())) /* skip white space */
if (!isdigit(ch) && ch != EOF && ch != '+'
&& ch != '-' && ch != '.') {
return 0;
sign = (ch == '-') ? -1 : 1;
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
ch = getch();
if (!isdigit(ch) && ch != '.') {
if (ch == EOF) {
return EOF;
} else {
return 0;
*fp = 0;
fraction = 0;
digits = 0;
for ( ; isdigit(ch) || ch == '.' ; ch = getch()) {
if (ch == '.') {
fraction = 1;
} else {
if (!fraction) {
*fp = 10 * *fp + (ch - '0');
} else {
*fp = *fp + ((ch - '0') / pow(10, fraction));
*fp *= sign;
if (ch == EOF) {
return EOF;
} else {
return (digits) ? ch : 0;
* Test module.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int ret;
do {
float f;
fputs("Enter a number: ", stdout);
ret = getfloat(&f);
if (ret > 0) {
printf("You entered: %f\n", f);
} while (ret > 0);
if (ret == EOF) {
puts("Stopped by EOF.");
} else {
puts("Stopped by bad input.");
return 0;
/* Gregory Pietsch <gkp1@flash.net> Exercise 5-2 dated 2001-01-08 */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
/* also uses getch and ungetch from Section 4.3 */
/* number of significant digits in a double */
#define SIG_MAX 32
/* store double in d; return next character */
int getfloat(double *d)
const char point = '.'; /* localeconv->decimal_point[0]; */
int c;
char buf[SIG_MAX], sign, sawsign, sawe, sawesign, esign;
double x;
static double fac[] = {0.0, 1.0e8, 1.0e16, 1.0e24, 1.0e32};
double dpow;
int ndigit, nsig, nzero, olead, opoint, n;
char *pc;
long lo[SIG_MAX / 8 + 1], lexp;
long *pl;
/* skip white space */
while (isspace(c = getch()))
if (sawsign = (c == '-' || c == '+')) {
sign = c;
c = getch();
} else
sign = '+';
olead = -1;
opoint = -1;
ndigit = 0;
nsig = 0;
nzero = 0;
while (c != EOF) {
if (c == point) {
if (0 <= opoint)
break; /* already seen point */
opoint = ndigit;
} else if (c == '0') {
/* saw a zero */
} else if (!isdigit(c))
break; /* found nondigit */
else {
/* got a nonzero digit */
if (olead < 0)
olead = nzero;
else {
/* deliver zeros */
for ( ; 0 < nzero && nsig < SIG_MAX; --nzero)
buf[nsig++] = 0;
/* deliver digit */
if (nsig < SIG_MAX)
buf[nsig++] = (c - '0');
c = getch();
if (ndigit == 0) {
/* no digits? */
*d = 0.0;
if (c != EOF)
if (0 <= opoint) {
/* saw point */
ungetch(c = point);
if (sawsign) {
/* saw sign */
ungetch(c = sign);
return c;
/* skip trailing digits */
for ( ; 0 < nsig && buf[nsig - 1] == 0; --nsig)
/* compute significand */
pc = buf;
pl = &(lo[nsig >> 3]);
for (*pl = 0, n = nsig; 0 < n; --n) {
if ((n & 7) == 0)
/* start new sum */
*--pl = *pc++;
*pl = *pl * 10 + *pc++;
for (*d = (double)(lo[0]), n = 0; ++n <= (nsig >> 3); )
if (lo[n] != 0)
*d += fac[n] * (double)(lo[n]);
/* fold in any explicit exponent */
lexp = 0;
if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
/* we have an explicit exponent */
sawe = c;
c = getch();
if (sawesign = (c == '+' || c == '-')) {
esign = c;
c = getch();
} else
esign = '+';
if (!isdigit(c)) {
/* ill-formed exponent */
if (c != EOF)
if (sawesign)
ungetch(c = esign);
c = sawe;
} else {
/* get exponent */
while (isdigit(c)) {
/* get explicit exponent digits */
if (lexp < 100000)
lexp = lexp * 10 + (c - '0');
/* else overflow */
c = getch();
if (esign == '-')
lexp = -lexp;
if (c != EOF)
if (opoint < 0)
lexp += ndigit - nsig;
lexp += opoint - olead - nsig;
/* this is where I pray I don't lose precision */
esign = (lexp < 0) ? '-' : '+';
/* if anyone has a better way of handling overflow, tell me */
if (lexp < SHRT_MIN)
lexp = SHRT_MIN;
if (lexp > SHRT_MAX)
lexp = SHRT_MAX;
if (lexp < 0)
lexp = -lexp;
if (lexp != 0) {
dpow = (esign == '-') ? 0.1 : 10.0;
while (lexp != 0) {
/* form 10.0 to the lexp power */
if ((lexp & 1) != 0) /* lexp is positive */
*d *= dpow;
lexp >>= 1;
dpow *= dpow;
/* if there was a minus sign in front, negate *d */
if (sign == '-')
*d = -(*d);
return c;